Friday, 28 September 2012

Craft Tutorials Galore at Crafter-holic!: Crayon Lego Men

Craft Tutorials Galore at Crafter-holic!: Crayon Lego Men: There are plenty of crayon moulding tutorials around the web, but this Lego man one is my favourite - now I've just got to find where to ...

Joel mocked me for my excitement... Until he saw what I was excited about :)

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

It's MA Birthday!!!

Woke stupidly early, grr, but got some Skyrimming out of it ;)

Joel bought me epicness for my birthday, I am very pleased. The top book is Wraith, and I have never seen an actual copy of it before; it seems to be about ghosts but I haven't got around to reading it yet ;)

We went on the big wheel, well Small One and I went on the big wheel. My partner is  afraid of heights... Had luncheon and funness.
